Our services
Our services include:
- Elections - our democratic nature is what makes us different, and we organise and run all the elections in West Suffolk, as well as making sure that everyone eligible is able to vote through electoral registration.
- Leisure and Heritage Management - with our fantastic parks and natural leisure spaces, museums, heritage centres, and the Apex venue.
- Housing - providing decent homes for our communities through building and adapting; maintaining the housing needs register and preventing homelessness.
- Planning - working with our communities to plan where jobs and homes will go, deciding planning applications, and providing building control, design and conservation services.
- Economic Development and Growth - attracting jobs and infrastructure funding to West Suffolk, developing skills needed in the workforce and ensuring the health of our high streets and market towns.
- Environmental Services - collection and recycling waste, cleaning our streets, and landscaping and maintaining public spaces.
- Families and Communities - working with communities to achieve their aspirations through things like funding, arts and sports development.
- Environmental Health - including environmental management and protection, dealing with energy, pollution, nuisance and registration and inspection of food establishments.
- Licensing - helps to control the sale and supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment, late night refreshment, gambling, taxi and private hire services, small lotteries, charitable collections and much more.
- Anglia Revenues Partnership (ARP) - http://www.angliarevenues.gov.uk/
Core professional services help the above teams to do their jobs, and include Human Resources, Finance, Legal, ICT, Policy and Property Services.