I started in mid October 2021 and I am due to finish in October 2023.
Why did you choose to do an apprenticeship?
I choose an apprenticeship because I felt that it gave me more opportunity to learn in the workplace and to develop myself.
Did you come with GCSEs or A levels?
I had done A levels before I joined.
Did you have a clear idea of what you wanted to do?
I have never had a clear idea of what I wanted to do but I had always liked the thought of working in finance.
Why did you decide to work here?
Because it is a great place to learn and work and has many opportunities to not only learn about finance but other parts of the council as well.
What did you know about the council before you joined and what have you learnt about it so far?
I didn't know too much about the council, however after being here for a little while I understand that there is a lot that goes into making sure it stays up and running.
What apprenticeship are you undertaking, and what do you have future plans?
I am doing my AAT Level 3 in Accounting and my future plans have not yet been made. There are lots of opportunities such as carrying on with AAT and doing my level 4, which I think is something I would be interested in.
What do you like about working here?
I enjoy the work environment, the people I work with and the work I do.
Apart from your apprenticeship, have you had other opportunities to learn and develop, job-shadow or to be involved in different projects?
There are many opportunities for development outside of my apprenticeship working here and I hope to be a part of a project in the future.
What advice would you give to future applicants?
To take every opportunity you can as you will learn a lot from everything you do here.