I started in January 2023. I will complete my Apprenticeship in 2024.
Why did you choose to do an apprenticeship?
Getting to learn and gain experience in a work environment and to get a level qualification in IT.
The apprenticeship here will allow me to complete a level 3 certification whilst learning on the job. I can gain invaluable experience while working for West Suffolk Council to prepare me for future employment.
Did you come with GCSEs or A Levels?
I got a technical A level in college from a course but mainly started with GCSE qualifications – Level 2 in ICT and Level 4 in Maths. I also did Interactive Media and Design Level 3.
Did you have a clear idea of what you wanted to do?
I did not know what I wanted to do after school. I have always had an interest in Computers since I was young, so doing an ICT course at college was a good step. I wasn’t sure before about what to do during the last 3 years, I got lost in limbo when Covid hit and everything sort of unrailed.
Why did you decide to work here?
I was looking to jumpstart my career. It as it’s a field I enjoy and feel comfortable in. I’m happy with my decision as I feel like I’m actively contributing and doing something personally worthwhile here that I can feel proud of.
What did you know about the council before you joined and what have you learnt about it so far?
I didn’t know much about the council before joining however, I have learnt that the council here are responsible for everyone’s quality of living, how important each of the different service areas are within the council and how we support them.
What apprenticeship are you undertaking, and do you have future plans?
The Information Communications Technology apprenticeship. I would like to progress onto a full time or permanent position here in the future if possible.
What do you enjoy about working here?
Working with so many talented people in a field I’m passionate about is really rewarding.
Apart from your apprenticeship, have you had other opportunities to learn and develop, job-shadow or to be involved in different projects?
Plenty since I started working here. I’ve had the opportunity to learn so much more about the council and what we do for the community – from the workplace when shadowing my colleagues and buddy, to events taking place in and around West Suffolk House as well as apprenticeship week coming up soon too.
What advice would you give to future applicants?
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions about your job. So many people are too afraid to ask for help, out of thinking they’ll look bad or stupid. You really don’t.